今回は、先日リリースされた Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM, SCCM, Configuration Manager) Current Branch 2010 向けの初めての修正プログラム (更新プログラム) がリリースされたので、それについて紹介したいと思います。
今回の修正プログラムは、いつもこのブログで紹介しているように PowerShell のスクリプトを実行して、early update ring にして早期に Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager CB 2010 に移行したユーザーさん向けです。
KB4594176 (https://support.microsoft.com/help/4594176)
- After creating multiple orchestration groups, only the first group works as expected. Clients that belong to other orchestration groups beyond the first will receive incorrect policy, resulting in unexpected results such as not installing software.
- Users can only delete a collection if they have the Full Administrator security role, even if they own the collection and otherwise would have authority to perform the deletion.
- If you have a highly available site server, when you update to version 2010, the site server in passive mode fails to update. This issue is due to a change in the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) for Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection. The required MMA files aren’t copied to all necessary locations.
- The Configuration Manager console terminates unexpectedly when viewing the preview of query results with a large result set.
- The Configuration Manager console terminates unexpectedly if there is a zero-byte ConsoleUsage-{date}-{time}.xml file under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10.
If this issue occurs, check for and delete the zero-byte file.- After onboarding to Desktop Analytics, The Importance value of apps does not appear in the Apps tab of the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center. Additionally, apps deployed with Configuration Manager may not be listed on the Apps tab at all.
- For version 2010 early update ring, if you use a PKI-based certificate for operating system boot media, configure it for SHA256 with the Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES provider. For later releases, including globally available version 2010, this certificate configuration is recommended but not required. The certificate can be a v3 (CNG) certificate.
- Device compliance status on the Software Update Dashboard may show an incorrect count of devices and incorrect compliance percentage.
対象環境の Configuration Manager コンソールには、下記のように、KB4594176 が表示されます。上記に記載されている不具合を修正するプログラムなので、早期にアップデートすることをお勧めいたします。