Configuration Manager Current Branch 2006 向け修正プログラム リリース (KB4576791)


遅くなりましたが、今回は、Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM, SCCM, Configuration Manager) Current Branch 2006 向けの修正プログラム (更新プログラム) について紹介したいと思います。

今回の修正プログラムは、いつも紹介している Early update ring を適用したユーザーさん向けの修正プログラムになります。そのため、Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Current Branch 2006 にアップグレードする際に、スクリプトを実行したユーザーさん向けの更新プログラムになります。具体的には、2020 年 8 月 21 日以降に 2006 にアップグレードした場合は、Configuration Manager コンソールには修正プログラムは表示されないようです。


KB4576791 (

  • The SMS_CLOUDCONNECTION and SMS_SERVICE_CONNECTOR components of the SMS Executive service (smsexec.exe) experience a thread leak after completing the tenant attach process.
  • In an environment that is not onboarded to the Desktop Analytics service, the SMS_SERVICE_CONNECTOR component enters a critical state. Additionally, the M365AUploadWorker.log contains errors resembling the following.
  • Information for updated apps fails to write to the database after completing the tenant attach process. Errors resembling the following are recorded in the SMS_CloudConnection_AppInsights.log
  • Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) policies set using the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center may be overwritten by policies set from the Configuration Manager console.
  • Desktop analytics app usage data is not monitored for up to fifteen minutes when a computer resumes from standby.
  • Software Center may intermittently time out when connecting to a Cloud Management Gateway to retrieve user-available apps.
  • Clients fail to download policy data and status message ID 10803 is generated. This occurs in environments using HTTPS communication and non-operating system deployment task sequences in Software Center.
  • The resultant set of policy for endpoint security Antivirus policies may be incorrect when viewed in the admin center.
  • The Run Scripts functionality does not work on clients that are Azure Active Directory joined, and HTTPS communication is used in the environment. Errors resembling the following are recorded in the DataTransferService.log on the client.
  • Expanding the Reports node in the Configuration Manager console may take longer than expected, up to several minutes.
  • Incremental collection updates fail and collection membership is not updated. Errors resembling the following are recorded in the colleval.log file.
  • The client upgrade process may terminate unexpectedly on 32-bit Windows clients.
  • The collection properties window takes longer than expected on the Configuration Manager admin console.
  • Performance improvements were made to increase the overall speed of the tenant attach process.


対象環境の Configuration Manager コンソールには、下記のように KB4576791 が表示されています。複数の不具合を修正するプログラムなので、早期にアップデートすることをお勧めいたします。


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