今回は、Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM, SCCM, Configuration Manager) Current Branch 2111 向けの初めてのロールアップ リリースについてお伝えします。このロールアップは、early update ring (PowerShell のスクリプトを実行して早期に CB 2111 を適用した方向け) だけではなく、一般公開された際にインストールしたユーザーも対象です。
KB12896009 (https://aka.ms/KB12896009)
- The Configuration Manager console fails to open after installing an updated version of a required console extension.
- Users without the Read Client Status Settings permission on the Site object are unable to see the client health dashboard.
- Windows LEDBAT isn’t automatically enabled or disabled for a distribution point when selecting the Adjust the download speed to use the unused network bandwidth (Windows LEDBAT) setting in site properties.
- Automatic registration of the Configuration Manager PowerShell module (ConfigurationManager.psd1) can trigger a false positive alert from security software.
- The Configuration Manager console now allows wildcards when defining Microsoft Defender Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules.
- CMPivot queries against the Processor entity may fail with an “Invalid query” error.
- Clients that aren’t Intune enrolled will record the following error in the execmgr.log file after receiving a task sequence policy.
Failed to check enrollment url, 0x00000001:
- The OneTrace log file viewer (CMPowerLogViewer.exe) may terminate unexpectedly when opening a log file.
- The Show Table link in the Windows Servicing dashboard displays repetitive information after selecting different collections.
- The Post Installation task Installing SMS_EXECUTIVE service displays a status of Completed with warning even though it was successful and no warnings are recorded in the sitecomp.log file.
- Clients will now throttle communication with a cloud management gateway if they make five unsuccessful contact attempts in five minutes.
- If a client computer is offline for multiple days with a pending state message resync request, it will receive duplicate policies for the resync when it comes back online. This leads to repeated resynchronization of the same messages.
- When the Configuration Manager console is installed on a computer with an x86 processor, it doesn’t detect the installation state of console extensions.
- The built-in cloud features notification message continues to display in the Configuration Manager console even after it is dismissed.
- A remote control session doesn’t display as expected when the target computer has multiple monitors and the display has a custom scale over 125 percent.
- Internet-based clients fail to register over the cloud management gateway when the management point is hosted on a remote site system. This occurs for clients installed using a Windows Imaging Task sequence and boot media over an internet connection.
- After updating to Configuration Manager version 2111, client policies for Windows Defender Firewall Remote Management that were previously disabled may be re-enabled.
対象環境の Configuration Manager コンソールには、下記のように、KB12896009 が表示されます。上記に記載されている不具合を修正するプログラムなので、早期にアップデートすることをお勧めいたします。